Trivia Questions and Answers

Your Free Repository Of Trivia Questions And Answers In Areas Such As Science, History, Entertainment, Arts, Sports And So On.

What are the four railways in the standard version of Monopoly?

Philip Guichet is credited with inventing which popular cocktail?

Emmental cheese originated in what country?

What is LP Field also known as?

What word for a retired professional comes from the Latin for "having earned a discharge"?

What beverage was the first American consumer product made widely available in the USSR?

On what mountain does Moses speak to God through the burning bush and received the Ten Commandments?

What was the name of the man who invented the first commercially successful steel plow in 1837?

What century did curling originate in Scotland?

What bird has the scientific name struthio camelus?

What gets changed by the process of transubstantiation?

What does an Apiarist do?

What chapel do Cardinals congregate in to elect a new Pope?

What is the name of the Princess Mario & Luigi have to rescue in the Super Mario Brothers Nintendo games?

What does the abbreviation SUV stand for?

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