Trivia Questions and Answers

Your Free Repository Of Trivia Questions And Answers In Areas Such As Science, History, Entertainment, Arts, Sports And So On.

Which famous mystery writer created a mystery by disappearing in 1926?

In speaking, the use of an incorrect word in place of a word with similar sound is known as what?

Giovanni Boccaccio's collection of novellas are known as what?

Vesta is the Roman goddess of what?

What year did Dwight D. Eisenhower publish his autobiography titled "Crusade in Europe"?

Including spin-offs and tie-ins, how many issues were released as part of the original "Strangers in Paradise" comic series before its planned end in 2007?

What do the letters stand for in poet E.E. Cummings' name?

Who recruits Tony to the F.D.A. in the comic series "Chew"?

In the comic book series "Strangers in Paradise", where did David and Katchoo first meet?

What is Em Cypress' secret in the comic book series "Revival"?

What are the four famous last words of the book "1984"?

What is the name of Christopher Lee's autobiography?

Which modern artist created the "Mother and Child Divided"?

What children's classic first chapter is titled "The Boy Who Lived"?

What painting technique uses colored pigments mixed with a binder, most common of which are egg yolks?

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