Trivia Questions and Answers

Your Free Repository Of Trivia Questions And Answers In Areas Such As Science, History, Entertainment, Arts, Sports And So On.

What is the name of the first Lunar Module to land on the Moon?

What year was the famous boxing match, dubbed the "Thrilla in Manila", held?

Betsy Ross was born with a fully formed set of what?

The British passed the Intolerable Acts as punishment for what act by the American colonists?

The fisrt armed daylight bank robbery in the US is said to have occured in what year?

What year did the programming language "COBOL" first appear, before being standardized in 1968?

Which royal house consisted of Henry IV, Henry V and Henry VI?

Which US first lady had several half-brothers who served in the Confederate Army?

What was Queen Victoria's first name?

What character was invented to respond to questions from Gold Medal Flour customers?

To what age did the US state of Hawaii change the legal smoking age on January 1, 2016?

What year did Jacob Schick first patent the electric razor?

The Iran hostages were released in January 1981 after 444 days of captivity; what was their first stop?

Who performed "The Wall" by the Berlin Wall?

Billed as "The Crime of the Century', in which US city did the Great Brink's Robbery take place, in 1950?

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